Thursday, September 29, 2016

Tuesday, September 27, 2016
Father: Once upon a time, there was an emperor whose family name was Nguyễn. The people whom he ruled over wanted to show their loyalty to him, so they all changed their family names' to "Nguyễn."  Now, those people have had kids and their kids have had kids. However, you can still find the place where 40% of the citizens have the same name.
Son: Really?!  Where is it?  Can we go there?!  
Father: Yes, we can go to Vietnam, son.

Dear Reader,

As you may have noticed, I have changed the format of my blog.  I believe that this format will be more engaging for you, the reader!

If you see small text directly underneath an image, it's a link to the website where I got the pic from.  If you see no text, that means that I took the pic (or vid)!  Ideally I'd be using all of my own pix, but I can't always snap a pic in the moment.

I welcome your constructive feedback about the content and layout of my blog as I'm still figuring out what works best for me as well!

Happy reading :)

You can learn a lot about a culture based on how they collect trash.  For instance, here in Vietnam...
(Put in head phones and blast the volume for full effect.)

Sunday, September 4, 2016

Thank you, Katie, for taking this pic - allowing me to continue driving safely!